Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sweet Revenge

Behind the glass your scarlet lips
Twisted into a smile,

Satisfied you'd executed the deed
With such flamboyance and style.

Crystal raised, you made a toast
And savoured the contents like wine.

The taste of cherry syrupy blood...
Tell me, was it saccharine?


  1. Heck, if that's your blood you are talking of, isn't is supposed to be blue?

    And don't worry, you are hardly the sugary sweet type so I am sure it didn't taste saccharine.

    Bet the vampire in question is still gagging :P

  2. My blood is sparkly emerald green.

    Tastes like Haliborange.

    But...the poem isn't about a Vampire... It's about someone taking his revenge =S

  3. Heck, Just came back and checked your response after all this time :)

    I know the poem is about an er 'revenger' - that's just analogspeak or whatever you like to call it :P

  4. It's a he? I thought it was a she.
    Very well written tho :)
